When it comes to designing your home, you’re not limited to only what furniture you buy or what color paint you use. The texture of your walls can add plenty of character to your house, and it’s something that shouldn’t be overlooked.
But, not everyone knows the options available to them. Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about different drywall texture types.
1. Popcorn
In general, you’ll often only find this type of texture on the ceilings of homes. Though we have seen it on walls, too!
Its main benefit is that it is efficient at covering any blemishes in the construction of your ceilings. Since this is a heavy spray-on texture, uneven seams and poorly sanded joints can easily be covered for a uniform look.
This type of texture is also ideal for rooms that function as studios or workshops, as it tends to somewhat dampen ambient sounds. In fact, this style was originally called an “acoustic ceiling”.
Considered outdated and undesirable, we remove a LOT of popcorn ceilings these days. we are still however able to do ceiling patch and match an existing popcorn texture.
2. Orange Peel
After the first layer of thin drywall mud is applied and sanded, a layer of dimpled texture is added. This “orange peel” finish is perhaps the most common wall texture.
It can be applied with a thick nap roller, or more commonly sprayed on using a mud hopper and air compressor.
The amount and thickness of texture can be adjusted to obtain a variety of results. While basic, this texture has a place in any modern home.
3. Smooth Finish
The simplest-looking drywall texture type is also one of the most difficult to apply (correctly). The smooth finish is a clean modern look that is currently the most popular choice for higher-end homes.
In most cases, texture is used not just to add interest to a surface, but also to hide all the imperfections. With a smooth finish, there is no hiding. Extra skim coats and lots of sanding are required to get a level-5 smooth finish wall, making it tougher to achieve high-quality results than most textured finishes.
Because of this, the smooth finish is also one of the most expensive finish choices for your walls.
4. Knockdown
This is a classic drywall texture type that’s often a go-to for people who want to add depth to the paint’s appearance. It is a style that is particularly popular in the southwest in places like New Mexico and Texas, and especially in homes with that type of aesthetic.
The application is relatively simple. The texture is applied to the wall and then soon after is smoothed over with a wide drywall knife. This process is known as ‘knocking down’ the texture, hence the name.
Although this flattens the texture, it also adds dimension to the walls.
5. Skip-Trowel
After drywall mud is applied to the wall, you’ll use a trowel to slowly scrap along the wall. The trowel will be held at a slight angle, which will slightly pull up sections of the mud as it passes.
The end result is drywall that has brush-like patterns, adding plenty of character to both the wall and the room.
6. Swirl
While it takes two people to apply correctly, the aesthetic it provides makes it worth it.
First, a primer mixed with sand is applied to the wall. Immediately afterward, someone else uses a brush or their hand to create circular patterns.
Typically, tighter patterns tend to look better once the paint dries. But, loose patterns made with brushes can work well, too.
Understand, though, that this is something that takes a significant amount of skills to perform correctly. So, if it isn’t done perfectly on your first try, don’t stress too much about it.
7. Rosebud 
While most drywall texture types can be applied in asymmetric patterns, rosebud is meant to be fairly uniform. So, you’ll need to practice on other pieces of drywall until you can do it efficiently.
Otherwise, you run the risk of ruining the project and having to reapply coating to the drywall. Luckily, though, it doesn’t take long to learn.
A circular brush is pressed down into the wet drywall mud and then immediately pulled out. This process is repeated in a uniform pattern until the wall is covered.
8. Stompbrush/Slapbrush
The same type of brush (large and circular) is used for this type of texture. One with longer bristles, though, will get the job done more quickly.
After pressing the brush into the wet drywall mud, long strokes are made across the wall. There doesn’t have to be a specific pattern, but the process should be repeated until the entire wall is covered.
A common way of applying this texture is to make long brush strokes that overlap each other in a criss-cross pattern. Visually, this will add a bit more depth.
9. Crow’s Feet
A small brush with stiff bristles is pushed upward against the drywall in order to create this drywall texture. As the name implies, the brush indents will resemble a bird’s footprints when done correctly.
After you apply it, though, it’s important to remember that dust can easily settle in the grooves you create with the brush. Left unchecked, this could leave your walls with a dirty appearance.
As long as you’re proactive about cleaning, you’ll find that this type of texture is an attractive way to incorporate modern design into your home.
10. Comb
For those looking for a texture with a high amount of style, comb texture will likely be one of your primary options. As you may discern from the name, a brush or trowel is used to make combing motions after the drywall mud is applied.
The most common patterns used are simple arcs, but you’re not limited to one smooth, continuous motion.
Wavelike strokes are another popular option, but there’s plenty of creative freedom when it comes to shape and application.
Choosing From These Different Drywall Texture Types Can Seem Difficult
But it doesn’t have to be.
With the above information about different drywall texture types in mind, you’ll be well on your way to making the decision that’s best for your home.
Want to learn more about how to prepare for an interior painting project? This article has plenty of useful info.