Repainting the exterior of your home can have a 55% return on investment. You can benefit from painting the exterior of your home even if you aren’t planning to sell.

Invest now in the paint and you will save yourself a larger amount of money in the future. A fresh layer of paint provides an extra layer of protection to the exterior of your home.

Curious how painting the exterior of your home can benefit you? Keep reading to learn about the top five benefits.

Repainting protects you from termites1. Stop Damage from Termites

Painting the exterior wood on your home seals off the wood from termites and other bugs. The wood on the outside of your home is most prone to termite damage.

You will want to paint all the way down to the ground surface level. Make sure you apply primer or use paint mixed with primer for the most amount of protection.

Termites borrow into the wood at ground level. They then create channels going up and outwards throughout the wood in your home. Prevent them from getting in at ground level and you protect the rest of your home.


Exterior Painting - Yellow House2. Improve the Curb Appeal

The fastest way to improve the curb appeal of your home is to update your exterior house paint. This will give your home a fresh new look by covering up the signs of age and weather.

It is also an opportunity to update the colors if your tastes have changed or if you want to try a new look for your home.

If your budget won’t allow you to paint the whole house, only paint the trim. This will give your home a fresh look to the highlights.


Repainting adds life to siding3. Extend the Life of Your Siding

Your siding can last from 20-50 years depending on the material and your environment. This useful lifespan can get shortened by everyday wear and tear or significant weather events.

Paint your siding to help protect it and add years of serviceable life. This will keep it looking great and save you money by delaying replacement.


Repainting to protect your house from the elements4. Protection from the Elements

A layer of paint on your home protects your home from the harsh elements. In winter snow will increase the moisture your home gets exposed to.

By painting the exposed wood you protect it from the moisture of the snow and rain. This will contribute to the number 5 benefit.


Repainting helps prevent mold and mildew5. No Mold, Mildew, or Rot

Constant moisture creates an environment where mold and mildew thrive. This slowly deteriorates the wood resulting in weak and soft wood.

Once mold or mildew take hold it is near impossible to have it completely removed. As time goes on, the problem becomes expensive to remedy, requiring rotten wood to be replaced.

Soft wood from moisture rot can no longer support the weight of your home. You will start to see sagging and buckling of the side of your home. Painting the wood seals it off from the elements and makes it harder for mold, mildew and rot to set in.


Repainting Your Home

Repainting your home with exterior paint will provide improved looks and protection. The exterior wood of your home will have protection from insects, especially termites.

Choose the right paint colors and the curb appeal of your home will improve. The best exterior paint will extend the life of your siding and protect your home from the elements.

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