Most of us can’t resist. If we see an opportunity to save money, we will jump at the chance to save a buck. Like many trades, house painting can have hidden costs and extra work that aren’t readily apparent. Here are some considerations when thinking about painting your own house vs hiring a professional painter.
Paint Is Not Cheap!
Many people will only think about the paint itself when considering the costs of a painting project. Often, they will vastly underestimate the cost of the paint only to be shocked later when they head to the paint store. This will either cause a budget issue, or force the homeowner to use a lower-quality product.
High-quality paints can easily cost upwards of $40-$50 per gallon and more. They are often worth it however, giving better coverage in less coats. A good painting professional has experience when estimating paint quantities and can take advantage of volume deals rather than buying in single-gallon quantities.
Painting companies also have relationships with local paint suppliers that can get them lower prices across the board with paint, supplies, and other materials. While we recommend dedicated paint stores like Sherwin Williams and Kelly Moore, there are also high-quality products at stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s.
While you may save on labor, you will typically pay more for paint when painting your own house.
Other Materials: More Than Just Paint
There are many other materials and tools that are required when painting your own house. Painter’s plastic, masking tape, solvents, caulking, putty… these are all required for most average jobs. And then there are the tools: brushes, rollers, paint trays, extension poles, ladders, scaffolding, paint sprayers, drop-cloths… the list never ends.
These tools and supplies can easily add up to hundreds and even thousands of dollars. While some expensive items like paint sprayers can be rented, they are usually pricey for a daily rental. They are also often more basic models than equipment than a painting professional might own.
The Most Expensive Resource: Our Time
It is often said that time is our most valuable resource. You cannot buy more, and you can never get it back. It can be very easy to underestimate just how long a project might take. We have come across many clients over the years that decided to paint their own house. They assumed they could tackle a job over the weekend, only to discover it would take a week or more to complete. The job was much more difficult and involved than they thought possible.
An experienced painting professional can typically estimate the time required for a job to within a half-day. A good crew can also work much more quickly than a typical, unexperienced homeowner. Not only can we do a job quicker, but we can also be more realistic about just how much time it might actually take.
The final consideration is opportunity cost; could you be doing something better with that time? Let’s face it, time is short. Would you rather spend it at the park or with your kids, or climbing on a ladder and cleaning paint brushes?
Let Us Paint Your House!
Save yourself a lot of time and aggravation by letting the painting professional paint your house. We also offer a wide range of services. When you’re ready to go, just visit SurePro Painting to schedule your free estimate!